Nace de la unión de cuatro empresas afines a la salud integral del animal enfocadas en nutrición, prevención y aplicación de productos farmacéuticos según cada necesidad.

Todas las empresas del grupo están enfocadas en dar solución a cualquier problema presente en todas las especies, tanto para animales de producción como para animales de compañía. Acompañamos todas las etapas del desarrollo animal, con productos elaborados para ser aplicados desde el nacimiento y durante el crecimiento, garantizando así un desarrollo óptimo del bienestar animal y, por tanto, maximizar la rentabilidad del ganadero.


Porque cubrimos y atendemos de manera integral todas las necesidades de salud, nutrición, bienestar y desarrollo animal en todas sus especies.

Porque tenemos una experiencia y trayectoria que garantiza la excelencia de nuestros productos y su eficacia en cada campo de acción.

Porque tenemos un equipo de profesionales altamente calificado en sus áreas, que dan pronta y asertiva atención a cualquier duda.


Was born from the union of four companies dedicated to the integral health of the animal focused on nutrition, prevention and application of pharmaceutical products according to each need.

Every company in the group is focused on solving any problems present in any species, both for production animals and for pets.

Nutritional solutions for production animals

We have been present in the market for more than 45 years, and we are committed to providing products with high-value nutritional solutions for production animals and pets, focused on improving their quality of life and welfare through innovative and high-tech products, and to improving the performance of animals.

Pharmaceutical products for production animals

Dopharma Iberia was born from a Joint Venture between Andersen S.A. and Dopharma S.L., which came together to sell the pharmaceutical products of both companies in the Spanish market. Between the two, they bring together more than 80 years of experience that translate into the excellence of their products.

We accompany all stages of animal development, with products made to be applied from birth and during growth, guaranteeing optimal development of animal welfare and, therefore, maximizing the profitability of the farmer.

Toyocerin, our star product

We have produced and sold Toyocerin for more than 10 years. Toyocerin is a natural microorganism whose main function is the stabilization of the gastrointestinal microflora, improving production yields, as well as optimizing the digestion of nutrients administered in the diet.

Natural food products for pets

Böthmen Pharma laboratories design, manufacture and sell food supplements aimed at the veterinary sector under the Dr.Vet brand. These products are designed to help prevent and mitigate pathologies that affect animal´s health and quality of life.
